
Access Token

All calls to the AILEGIS API require a Bearer Authentication.

Token in the API request ?

Within each call make sure you add within the header the Authorization tag:

Authorization: `Bearer <token>`

Here is an example using the fetch API:

const token = "<token>"
const response = await fetch("<enpoint-url>", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        // body: JSON.stringify(data)

How to create a Token ?

The token is a JWT signed token with a secret_key provided by us. If you do not have yet a secret key, or your key is expired, reach out to us at . The JWT token must include a claim with specific field named email:

    "email": string

Here is an example of a creation of a token:

import { SignJWT } from "jose";
const secret_key = "<SECRET-KEY>"
const claim = {
    email: ""
const token = await new SignJWT(claim)
            .setProtectedHeader({ alg: "HS256" })

Note that it is your responsability to set an appropriate expiration date for your token.